Category Archives: Wealth Management

Click Here To Know More About: Spectrum Wealth Site Financial Freedom Boulevard by Today we will talk about the Nine Steps To Financial Freedom. What I will do is give a clear game plan from start to finish, that will help you get from where you are, to financial independence (if you are not already there). Here are the steps:I. VisionII. Spending PlanIII. Proper Life InsuranceIV. Emergency FundV. Debt EliminationVI. Retirement PlanningVII. Children’s College PlanningVIII. Advanced Retirement PlanningIX. Mortgage AccelerationWith the exception of the first two steps, the point is not to be anal about them and say that you absolutely can’t begin one until the previous one is finished. This is a general order to follow. You should at least have a game plan to conquer each step before you move on to the next. Let us begin.I. VisionI’m sure that you have heard where there is no vision,…

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Click Here To Know More About: Australian Financial Services License Online Afsl Authorised Representative By John Day Depreciation is defined as a portion of the cost that reflects the use of a fixed asset during an accounting period. A fixed asset is an item that has a useful life of over one year. An accounting period is usually a month, quarter, six months or one year. Let’s say you bought a desk for your office on January 1, for $1000 and it was determined that the desk had a useful life of seven years. Using a one year accounting period and the ‘straight-line’ method of depreciation, the portion of the cost to be depreciated would be one-seventh of $1000, or $142.86. Most non-accountants roll their eyes and shudder when the topic of ‘depreciation’ comes up. This is where the line in the sand is drawn. Depreciation is far too complicated…

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